Why Should I Hire a Surveyor for Construction Layout?

Construction LayoutWhile working to complete a project in Connecticut, there are many tools available for a contractor to utilize. One of these “tools” that may often be overlooked is the hiring of a licensed land surveyor’s services. Perhaps one of the most important services that a surveyor provides is construction layout. Proper construction layout is vital to a project’s success.

A surveyor uses their skills and knowledge to interpret the plans provided by the engineer or architect. By doing so, the contractor can rely on the accuracy and reliability of the layout provided. This relationship acts as a crucial step in construction that influences whether a project finishes on time, within the budget, and error-free.

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What Does an A-2 Survey in Connecticut Really Mean?

A 2 Survey CTMany Connecticut residents become confused when someone tells them that they need an A-2 survey done on their Connecticut property. The vast majority of homeowners do not realize that this type of survey is required when they want to expand their existing structures or do any developmental work on the land that they own.

The confusion begins upon this request of the A-2 survey.The term “A-2” is not a survey type, nor a survey category, but it is actually an accuracy class. There are several classes of accuracy in regards to surveys: Classes AA, A-1, A-2, B, C, and D.

When talking about survey types or categories, Class A-2 is the industry standard for accuracy. If someone is requesting that you need an A-2 survey for your property, what they are actually intending is for you to obtain a “Property Survey,” or an “Improvement Location Survey.”

Having these types of surveys done on your property is important. It will provide you with the necessary information required for protecting your land assets and could save you from expensive lawsuits that may occur from insufficient knowledge of your land boundaries.

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How can we stop our land from being degraded in Connecticut?

Land DegredationIt is estimated that 25% of the world’s land area has been affected by land degradation. It has accelerated enormously during the past decade, causing loss of biodiversity, poverty, and hunger. The impact on the global economy is huge, and it is taking away precious resources that are vital to us. The need to minimize land degradation has never been this critical, and solutions must be made to conserve and restore our land.

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What is a Property Survey?

What are Building Location Surveys?Whether you are buying or selling a real estate property, it is always advisable to know all the necessary information related to the property being bought or sold, such as deed restrictions, building locations, easements and pertinent municipal setback requirements.

This information is important because it can identify and determine whether or not the property being sold or bought is worth the value being paid or asked for.

Obtaining the needed information about a property is not that difficult. There are a lot of surveys that can be utilized to acquire this data. However, the best type of survey that you can use for this purpose is called a property survey.

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How to Prevent a Boundary Encroachment on Your Property

boundary encroachmentEvery real estate owner who doesn’t have sufficient knowledge of his or her property rights is in danger of infringements and boundary encroachments.

Although, these intrusions and disputes on properties are common, a lot of landowners still do not have the right information and tools to identify and defend their property from this situation.

In reality, the majority of these infractions occur because landowners have not performed a professional land survey on their estate and most of the time a boundary encroachment incident is just due to an honest mistake committed by their neighbors.

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[Free eBook] GHH Case Studies: Accuracy & Results

Engineering Case StudiesHere at Godfrey-Hoffman & Hodge, we pride ourselves on offering a full range of Land Surveying, Civil Engineering, Planning, Design and Permitting services. Located in North Haven, Connecticut, our goal has always been to provide our clients with fast, accurate, and quality service to help them achieve their goals while also reducing project time and costs.

Taking advantage of today’s most advanced technology, we’ve had great success with many clients in a variety of industries, helping to both achieve their goals while also minimizing project costs.

We’ve put together some of our more recent case studies in order to display just some of the work we’ve performed and the satisfaction our clients have had with it. The following case studies have been broken down to describe the work GHH provided, who the client was, and where the work was performed. We’ve even included some testimonials from clients describing their experience with Godfrey-Hoffman & Hodge.

In this ebook we will go through the following sections:

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The Importance of Land Surveying Before You Purchase a Property

ct land surveyPurchasing a property is one of the most important events in every person’s life. All of us want to make sure that the real estate we are buying is in good standing and worth the money we are paying for it.

However, contrary to these facts, most people just jump into buying and forget the importance of land surveying before purchasing a property.

Land surveying offers remarkable value in terms of protecting your hard-earned money and your investment.

A professional land survey also provides critical information that is needed to determine if the property that you are planning to purchase is an accurate and fair deal.

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2013 Silver Winner: The Best Engineering Consultant in CT

image003“Welcome to the results of our eighth annual Connecticut Law Tribune readers’ poll, in which our readers have cast their votes for the best providers of services and goods to the legal profession.

This is a subjective, not objective poll. It does not measure who writes the most business, who has the most revenue or the most customers. It does measure the loyalty and satisfaction readers have with vendors. It is an opportunity for readers to speak up for those providers they believe are the best.

Since early August, the Connecticut Law Tribune conducted an online survey of readers. We promoted this project via house ads in the newspaper, emails to Connecticut attorneys, and through our website CTLawTribune.com. Readers responded vigorously to the opportunity to voice their choice.”

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