Hoffman began his surveying career back in 1978 when he worked for his uncle, Bernard Godfrey. After graduating from Paul Smith’s College, he worked his way from rod-man to transit-man and eventually party-chief. In 1988 when Adam received his Land Surveying license, he and Mr. Godfrey formed Godfrey-Hoffman Associates. After 12 years of a great partnership, Mr. Godfrey retired which left Mr. Hoffman with the entire business.

[Free eBook] GHH Case Studies: Accuracy & Results

Engineering Case StudiesHere at Godfrey-Hoffman & Hodge, we pride ourselves on offering a full range of Land Surveying, Civil Engineering, Planning, Design and Permitting services. Located in North Haven, Connecticut, our goal has always been to provide our clients with fast, accurate, and quality service to help them achieve their goals while also reducing project time and costs.

Taking advantage of today’s most advanced technology, we’ve had great success with many clients in a variety of industries, helping to both achieve their goals while also minimizing project costs.

We’ve put together some of our more recent case studies in order to display just some of the work we’ve performed and the satisfaction our clients have had with it. The following case studies have been broken down to describe the work GHH provided, who the client was, and where the work was performed. We’ve even included some testimonials from clients describing their experience with Godfrey-Hoffman & Hodge.

In this ebook we will go through the following sections:

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The Importance of Land Surveying Before You Purchase a Property

ct land surveyPurchasing a property is one of the most important events in every person’s life. All of us want to make sure that the real estate we are buying is in good standing and worth the money we are paying for it.

However, contrary to these facts, most people just jump into buying and forget the importance of land surveying before purchasing a property.

Land surveying offers remarkable value in terms of protecting your hard-earned money and your investment.

A professional land survey also provides critical information that is needed to determine if the property that you are planning to purchase is an accurate and fair deal.

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2013 Silver Winner: The Best Engineering Consultant in CT

image003“Welcome to the results of our eighth annual Connecticut Law Tribune readers’ poll, in which our readers have cast their votes for the best providers of services and goods to the legal profession.

This is a subjective, not objective poll. It does not measure who writes the most business, who has the most revenue or the most customers. It does measure the loyalty and satisfaction readers have with vendors. It is an opportunity for readers to speak up for those providers they believe are the best.

Since early August, the Connecticut Law Tribune conducted an online survey of readers. We promoted this project via house ads in the newspaper, emails to Connecticut attorneys, and through our website CTLawTribune.com. Readers responded vigorously to the opportunity to voice their choice.”

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What is Urban Planning with a Civil Engineer?

urban planningUrban Planning can be described as a professional field concerned with the political and technical process of addressing people’s health and welfare in urban areas by controlling the use of land and designing the urban environment, such as transportation, natural environment and communication networks for the general good of the community.

Civil Engineers generally participate in Urban Planning activities. They work in fields that are related to the planning and development of roads and other urban facilities. Civil Engineers focus on the construction projects, while regional and urban planner concentrates on how a construction project will fit in helping improve the urban community.

Civil engineering firms, like Godfrey-Hoffman & Hodge in Connecticut, along with the regional and urban planners cooperate and interact, in order to maximize the positive impact of a planned development for the urban community.

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Common Objectives of Wetlands Presentations

wetlands ctIn the past, wetlands were generally thought as useless and were basically drained for development. Fortunately, with the help of environmental advocates and the various wetlands presentations that were created to educate people about its benefits, it has finally been recognized as a valuable and essential part of our ecosystem.

Wetlands presentations help provide opportunities in maximizing the potential use of wetlands and it educates people on how to conserve this precious natural resource. Civil engineering firm Godfrey-Hoffman & Hodge in Connecticut is one of the few organizations that participate in the preservation of the Wetlands and they conduct surveys to identify and map wetland areas that exist in our surroundings.

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Is a Land Survey Usually Included in an Agreement with a Contractor?

land survey ct
It really depends upon the situation. Generally, before a contractor submits an estimate to a client, he or she conducts an inspection of the client’s construction site to determine the scope of work and identify any issues that may arise from the development project.

During the inspection, the contractor should be able to conclude if a land survey is needed prior to construction and may include it in the proposed contract of agreement and cost estimate for the construction work.

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Everything you should know about Monumentation!

monumentation Monumentation can be described as the process of placing markers on a surveyed area of land for the purpose of distinguishing the boundaries identified and specified during the completion of a professionally conducted survey.

It also establishes control points in the surveyed land so that future surveyors can base future measurements accurately from a determined location point.

A professional land surveying firm, such as Godfrey-Hoffman & Hodge in Connecticut, generally use proper Monumentation in designing, planning and establishing property boundaries in all construction and survey project they perform for clients.

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What is an Industrial Property Survey?

industrial property survey
An industrial property survey consist’s of engineering work that involves monitoring, orientation, quality assurance and high precision recording of industrial properties and structures.

It shows the boundaries and physical features within the industrial property including the location of structures and buildings. This type of survey usually focuses on property use restrictions
and zoning boundaries.

There are many types of survey requirements and Industrial property surveys are usually required for properties that are classified for industrial land use, such as workshops, warehouses and factories.

An industrial property survey is very challenging and requires an experienced surveying firm, such as Godfrey-Hoffman & Hodge in Connecticut, who have years of experience and knowledge in conducting these activities.

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Land Title Research in Connecticut

land title CTLand title research is the process of ensuring that a real estate title has no liens or title deficiencies, as well as other encumbrances that will prevent an interested party to take ownership of a particular piece of land.

This type of research is usually initiated by a prospective land buyer to confirm the name of the property owner, the state of land tenure and to guarantee that he or she will be receiving a clean title once a purchase has been made.

The task of the title searcher is not that easy. There are a lot of things that need to be researched and the searcher must be aware of the various laws that could affect the land title research procedure.

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