There are several reasons why one might need to conduct a land survey on a property in Connecticut. First of all we need to identify the boundaries of the land we are buying or selling. We also need it to plan for the development of our existing structures and estates and of course we also need to protect our property rights.
What Exactly is a Land Survey?
A land survey is the application of new and conventional methods of measuring and locating existing man-made structures, natural features, elevations, angles and boundaries of a property using the principles of mathematics, geometry, and other related sciences.
There are many forms of a land survey used in the industry today and to be able to identify what type of land survey we need, a description and definition of the following terms are required.
Types of Land Surveys
This type of land survey is often used to fulfill the requirements of a lending institution or a purchaser. ALTA/ACSM stands for American Land Title Association / American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. It is one of the most comprehensive types of land surveys used and it covers all the features and characteristics of a property.
Boundary Survey
This is a survey of the boundaries of a property and includes physical monumentation, plats and recorded deeds. This type of land survey usually involves field work on adjoining lands to identify and verify the appropriate land boundary.
Construction Survey
This land survey is used to stake out structures, such as roads, walls, buildings and utilities. It involves slope staking, horizontal and vertical grading as well as an As-Built survey.
Location Survey
This type of land survey is similar to a boundary survey but with additional information on the location of interior improvements. It is commonly used to fulfill the requirements of a loan application or zoning permits.
Site Planning Survey
This type of survey is a combination of a boundary and a topographic survey. It is commonly used to design house lots, commercial & industrial sites, streets and highways, subdivisions, stores and playgrounds.
Subdivision Survey
This survey is used to divide a parcel of land into smaller lots, estates or tracts. This type of survey needs to be recorded by the concerned local government agency and is used to design streets, drainages and lots.
Topographic Survey
This type of survey is usually performed by a professional civil engineering firm, such as Godfrey-Hoffman Assoc., LLC & Hodge, LLC in Connecticut. This type of survey locates topographic features that include utilities, ditches, roads, water courses, embankments and contours. It can be implemented through aerial photographic methods and ground field methods.
Key Takeaway:
A land survey is the application of new and conventional methods of measuring and locating existing man-made structures, natural features, elevations, angles and boundaries of a property using the principles of mathematics, geometry, and other related sciences.
The different types of land surveys include the following: ALTA/ACSM, Boundary, Construction, Location, Site Planning, Subdivision and Topographic Surveys.
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