There are five distinct situations where you are going to need a land survey prepared in Connecticut. Sometimes it’s better to do it before the situation arises so you don’t have to wait for an opening in the survey team’s schedule.
Buying a Home or Property
If you plan on purchasing a new piece of property this year, it’s important to have it surveyed. A professionally prepared survey is the only way to prove that you are buying what the deed says you are buying. It is also important because it will define what is actually on the land, including fences, structures, driveways out buildings and other improvements. This is also where you’ll find out about any easements and/or encroachments.
Selling a Home or Property
When you are selling a property, you need to get a survey for all of the same reasons as you do when buying a property plus it will make it easier for a buyer to purchase your property with confidence. It will also be a key piece of evidence should a dispute about the property arise after the transaction has been completed.
Subdividing a Property
A licensed surveyor can only do the subdivision of an existing property. The process involves checking the title to the property, including any easements or restrictions, doing preliminary planning and engineering and submitting plans to the town for approval.
If you plan on refinancing your home or any other property now that interest rates are low, the mortgage company may require you to have an up-to-date survey, so they have a current legal definition of the property against which the lien will be filed.
Adding a New Structure
The most common reason to get a survey done is because of the want or need to add an additional structure, addition or planting trees along the property boundary lines. If a survey is not done prior to construction, and the new addition falls outside of the property line, building line or over an area of easement, the entire structure may need to be ripped down & rebuilt. This can lead to excessive building costs and double or even triple initial estimates.
Key Takeaways
Professional surveys are the only way to legally define the area of a real property.
Buying and selling a home requires that the property be clearly defined to prevent future conflicts.
Only professional surveyors may subdivide properties.
Mortgage lenders require up to date title information on a home before they will lend.
Getting a survey prior to making an addition to your property can save you a lot of money if you are planning to build on or near a property boundary line.