How Land Surveyors Set The Stage For A New Building

This Is How We Do It…

This sequential photo montage highlights all the phases involved in preparing a site for the construction of a new building.

  1.  The undeveloped, overgrown site in Hamden, CT at commencement of survey work.
  2.  Site conditions during field work with survey gear.  As we often do, our crew contends with towering, tangling vegetation.
  3.  A year later, after site design and the permitting process, the finished plan set is delivered to the town permitting agency.
  4.  The site is cleared and prepared for construction.
  5.  The crew and survey instrument are in position to locate and mark 384 points for Helical Pile installation.  (These piles, or piers, are used to stabilize soil to support the building foundation).
  6.  The pier stakeout is complete and the site is ready for the pile driving crew to commence work. Each location is identified by the  pink whisker flag and orange numerical identifier.

Once the piers are installed the foundation will be marked out for construction.

Stay tuned for updates as we follow this project to completion!

Project Spotlight: The Hamden Business Incubator

hamden business incubator

A project Godfrey-Hoffman Associates is currently part of is steadily moving forward.  The construction is nearly complete on the current phase of work at the future site of the Hamden Business Incubator. This phase includes the removal of old boilers and asbestos, as well as clearing out contaminated materials in the basement. The $200,000 for this phase came from the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Hamden Economic Development Corporation (HEDC).

The Hamden Business Incubator is being developed by HEDC at the location of the former Newhall Community Center at 496 Newhall Street, which has been closed since 2002. The incubator will be serve as the location for up to 20 small businesses that specialize in service and technology areas such as light manufacturing, web design and medical office administration. The goal is develop affordable space for entrepreneurs to grow in Hamden to create jobs and increase tax revenue.

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